Institute for Understanding Sikhism
The Research Journal
Institute for Understanding Sikhism
The Research Journal


2019, Volume: 21, Number: 1

Cosmology According To Nanakian Philosophy

Prof Devinder Singh Chahal, PhD


The relationship between religion and science has always been a conflicted one. Earlier, pioneer philosophers were punished for their discoveries by the Church, since such discoveries were found against the concepts in the Bible. This paper discusses the study of two contemporaries of the period of the Renaissance: when Copernicus was studying Astronomy in Europe and Guru Nanak was studying Cosmology in South Asia. It also discusses the discovery of the Heliocentric System (the Earth revolves around the Sun) by Copernicus and its confirmation by Galileo. Both were punished because their discovery refuted the Church’s concept that it is the Sun which revolves around the Earth. It also discusses that the study of cosmology by Guru Nanak is very much comparable to the origin of the Universe according to the Big Bang Theory.

2019, Volume: 21, Number: 1

Human Equality In Sikhi Founded By Guru Nanak

Prof Devinder Singh Chahal, PhD


In simple language “Equality” is about ensuring that every individual has an equal opportunity to make the most of their lives and talents. No one should have poorer life chances because of the way they were born, where they come from, what they believe, or whether they have a disability. Equality also recognises that historically certain groups of people with protective characteristics such as race, disability, sex and sexual orientation have experienced discrimination.

2019, Volume: 21, Number: 1

Does Guru Nanak Say The Bani (word) Was Revealed To Him By God? An In-depth Study To Discover The Truth

Prof Devinder Singh Chahal, PhD


Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhi, is usually described as a mystic who had a mystical experience at the age of 27, 30, or 38 when he came out of the Vein rivulet after being missing for three days. Emerging from the water, he proclaimed, “There is no Hindu; there is no Muslim”. This article attempts to refute this story by quoting the bani of Guru Nanak and on logical and scientific bases. Cunningham reported from a Persian manuscript, Siar ul Mutakharin that “Nanak was carefully educated by Saiyid Hasan and he also studied the most approved writings of Muhammadans and learned all the earthly sciences from Khizar, i.e. the prophet Elias”. This article will emphasize that Guru Nanak was a well-educated and keen observer of the nature, the universe, and human behavior from an early age. He took long voyages to have intellectual discussions with the heads of various religious centers and institutes to promulgate his philosophy.

2019, Volume: 21, Number: 1

Philosophy Of Guru Nanak In The Eyes Of A Scientist

Prof Devinder Singh Chahal, PhD


The Philosophy of Guru Nanak embodied in his bani and incorporated in the Aad Guru Granth Sahib is quite different in the eyes a scientist than the traditional philosophy being taught and found in Sikh literature. His philosophy has been termed as “Nanakian Philosophy” by the author. The author has used the word, “a scientist” in the title to be restricted to the author since many Sikh scientists may or may not agree with his logical and scientific explanation of bani of Guru Nanak since they may not yet have come out of the influence of ancient philosophies. This article will discuss only the definitions of Sikhi and a Sikh, concept of God, ਹੁਕਮ - hukm (the Laws of Nature/Universe), and the ਸਬਦ - babd as a part of philosophy of Guru Nanak from his bani. This is the “sabd” which enabled Guru Nanak to develop great vision to promulgate original and unique philosophy during the period of Renaissance.